Who Is

Michelle Fuchigami?

My Journey In Life

I’m just like you, but I got lucky and stumbled into the amazing world of digital marketing! Here is my story...

As a kid...

Growing up, I was always was making crafts to sell at elementary school fairs. I would always create my own designs and creations, and people loved it! I used get so excited when I would be able to sell something to someone, and make them happy. I also made my parents homemade presents every year for their birthdays and other holidays. I would find supplies around the house, and just start creating until I had a completed gift! This love for creating and selling laid the foundation for my future entrepreneurial spirit. I remember my dad got his first Apple computer in the late 70's, and I was so interested in how it worked so while on a summer trip to Hawaii, I had my mom sign me up for a computer class. I was in a class with all adults, but as a young teen, I had a desire to learn how to use a computer.

Then the entrepreneurship bug bit me...

In high school, my interest in creating and selling continued. I continued to make and create things, but I gave them to my teammates as gifts. I designed the school spirit graphic to put on sweatshirts to sell in the student store. I joined the school’s Future Business Leaders of America club and participated and won many competitions. The more I learned about entrepreneurship, the more I realized it was a way to combine my creativity with a purpose. This passion for entrepreneurship continued to grow as I entered college, where I majored in merchandise management and worked full-time as an assistant manager in a clothing store. I went to school full-time and worked full-time, and loved what I was learning and selling.

Then I tried all the things that, well, didn't work...

Like many aspiring entrepreneurs, I faced my fair share of failures. I tried to sell health products, phone cards, dental plans, and more. This was all side hustles, because I had a corporate job as a clothing buyer for one of the top retailers. I was miserable working for a corporation that did not really care about me, and worked 50-75 hours a week as a single mom. I could not shake the idea of owning my own business, so I kept trying to find the business that would change everything for my future. I never had much success, but I still had dreams and wanted to one day own my own store. The day finally came in 2013, and I opened up a collegiate/women's fashion clothing store with my daughter in the exact building that I had worked at in college. This time it was my store. Our business was very successful for 7 years, then the 2020 pandemic hit and our store was impacted by mandated closures, so we closed our doors and started to sell online. Since then, our business has had ups and downs. The collegiate apparel business has slowed down significantly, and our business took a big hit. We continue to sell online, but the economy has often left us with slow sales and a warehouse full of inventory. After 10 years in business, I was tired of working 7 days a week, making custom apparel in the late hours of the night, and shipping products daily.

We both realized the importance of finding a new business, and our search began.

Finally, I found what I was looking for!

I started to search for a new way to make money online and the online course/training industry, a $12.6 Billion industry (forcasted to grow to $40.6 Billion by 2026) caught my attention. Making money at home with digital products and not having to warehouse inventory and ship products daily, really caught my eye! Digital products was always something I wanted to do, but I did not know how to even get started and I had zero tech experience or social media experience, so I knew I had to find a way to learn in order to compete in this industry. It had been 45 years since I took that first computer class as a teenager and I knew I had to dive into learning how to effectively use it to build myself a business.

I started seeing so many people talking about training courses and making money online with affiliate marketing and digital marketing. I knew instantly in my heart when I saw this program that this is what I wanted to do! No more inventory, no shipping products, no more spending endless hours of the night sewing custom apparel! I could learn at my own pace with a digital training course and have 3 done-for-you digital products that I could sell day one for 100% profit!

Today, my business is thriving and I help others just like you!

Today, my digital marketing business is thriving, and I’m passionate about helping people like you achieve the same success. I know the struggles and the doubts because I’ve been there. My mission is to guide you through the digital marketing maze, helping you leverage its power to grow your business. I offer personalized coaching, in-depth workshops, and a wealth of resources to empower you to succeed. If I can do it, so can you! Let’s embark on this journey together and turn your dreams into reality.

What Others Are Saying About Working With Me

Company Name should look

for ones that are specific,

detailed, and highlight the

unique benefits of working with

the company.

Alex John Martin


Company Name should look

for ones that are specific,

detailed, and highlight the

unique benefits of working with

the company.

Alex John Martin


Company Name should look

for ones that are specific,

detailed, and highlight the

unique benefits of working with

the company.

Alex John Martin


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